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Native Plants

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

In recent years there's been a push to incorporate native plants into landscaping, and with very good cause. These species provide shelter, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for insects, birds and other animals. Plus, they're very low maintenance- native species need less water, aren't fussy about soil, and are rarely invasive. Beautiful AND practical! Just like me. I'm happy to see an increasing number of native species available for sale at our local nurseries. If you're looking for low maintenance plants,

consider working some native species into your current landscape.

The following is a list of my personal favorites. Check out the sites listed below for a complete list.

My Favorite Native Species

grasses and ferns- bottlebush grass, Christmas fern

trees- white spruce, red maple, river birch, serviceberry (the best choice for four-season interest)

shrubs- bayberry, Virginia rose

perennials- Joe Pye weed, wild bergamot, Canada anemone, common milkweed, sneezeweed

vines- hops (a great fast-growing vine option for shade!), limber honeysuckle

fruits/vegetables- highbush blueberry, American elderberry

The full list provided by the DEC has something for everyone. The resources below have information on specific growing conditions and planting instructions.


Buffalo Waterkeeper Native Plant Guide my favorite local nonprofit DEC NY Native Plant Guide includes specific planting advice

CW Native Plant Farm offers over 500 varieties of plants native to WNY. Check out their demonstration gardens for inspiration

WNY Native Plant Collaborative a great resource plus they have great native plant sales throughout the year

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